My immediate response to the theme Tempus Fugit was imagining myself in a beautiful old Catholic church with its imagery, ritual, symbolism and ornamentation. I could imagine the mass conducted in Latin and smell the heady incense.
The images of angels were ever present, angels remind us that life is fleeting, everything is transitory. They are messengers of sacred mysteries, their feathered wings are associated with birds, taking me to flights of imagination. This linked perfectly with my ongoing interest in birds, religious imagery, antique dolls, period costume and stories from the past.
The works have been made from repurposed materials; paper, silk, linen, cotton and rescued embroidery from doilies. Papier-mâché is the main material used in the collection, individual components have been formed in moulds. It is a slow process but it is most satisfying to finally join all the pieces together and to indulge in my first love, painting, to bring everything to life.